Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mayonnaise Meat Floss cupcakes

Makes 8-9 pieces

 120g butter
80g icing sugar
2 eggs (beaten)
60g mayonnaise

140g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder

30g Fish meat floss

For decoration
Some mayonnaise (spoon into a piping bag)
Some fish meat floss

  1. Beat butter and sugar og ingredient (A) until smooth. Add eggs in a slow stream. Add in mayonnaise, beat well.
  2. Add in ingredient (B), mix well. Then add in ingredient (C), spoon into paper cups three-quarters of the way up. Arrange on a baking tray.
  3. Bake no. (2) in a preheated oven at 175c for 15-20 mins. Once removed, decorate the top with mayonnaise and meat floss.
Notes: You can use 4 pieces of triangular shaped paper cups (4"X6"X4"). I bake in the middle rack.

This is a very delicious cupcake which taste like the type of bread we ate outside, but it more softer than bread. I will surely do this again, but of course increase the portion. Coz it finish up quickly before, i can grap a second helping. ^^^ And of course deco it in a more presentatable way, as it was a last minute decision to bake this cupcake. 

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