Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blueberry Jam and Yogurt Chiffon Cake

Wondering whether to submit or not. Another post of Chiffon submitting to: Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon Cakes (Nov 2010) http://smallsmallbaker.blogspot.com/2010/11/aspiring-bakers-1-chiffon-cakes-nov.html

As compare to my previous fresh blueberry and yogurt chiffon, i had horrible large holes that looks so scary. So this time round i tried using blueberry jam instead of fresh blueberry. Mmmh!!! What i can said it looks so much better then scary cat eyes. One thing that i love chiffon cake is that i do not need to grease the tin and it taste so soft.

4 Egg yolks
40g Castor sugar
40ml Oil
100g Blueberry yogurt (i used low fat yogurt)
80g Blueberry jam (i used homemade)
120g Plain flour** (cake flour)
1 tsp Baking powder
Pinch of salt

4 Egg Whites
40g Castor sugar
1/4 Cream of Tartar

  • Whisk yolks and sugar until dissolves.
  • Add oil, salt, blueberry jam and yogurt. Mix well.
  • Then add in sifted flour, baking powder and mix until no lump.
  • Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites till frothy. Add in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks, follow by the sugar continue to beat until stiff peaks.
  •  Fold in 1/3 of the meringue and mix with the egg yolk until well combined. Add the remaining meringue and mix well.
  • Pour the batter into 21cm chiffon cake tin. Bake at 180C for 50 mins. Remove the foil and bake for 10 mins to brown the surface.
  • Immediately invert it after taking out from the oven. When it cools, remove it from the mould.

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