Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mango Yogurt Sponge Cake

Another overdue posting on May 2010.  I find it so difficult to to express my feeling in words and I'm so afraid that i might make a fool of myself by posting error here and there :( Anyway who cares, i am what i am. Blur Blur queen!!!

This is my another first attempt of sponge cake. I always find it so difficult to bake a sponge cake, as compare to chiffon. Don't understand why? This is a mini mould cake, but i was too lazy to grease the mini mould one by one. Hence, i did it into a "8 inch" cake square mould. Look ugly but delicious and not too sickening

3 eggs
280g sponge mix
100g mango yogurt drink
120g melted butter
60g Mango yogurt

  1. Whip (A) until light. Stir in (B) and continue whipping until light and fluffy.
  2. Fold in (C) and mix until well blended.
  3. Pour the batter into a greased square mould. Bake at 180C 40 minutes remove foil and bake for 10 minutes to brown the surface.

Adapted from: Alex Goh baking book (Fruity Cakes)

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