Saturday, February 26, 2011

Strawberry temptation

Love is not love until someone receives it...

Valentine's Day Clip Art

2 egg yolks
25g caster Sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla essence

2 egg whites
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar

25g caster Sugar

50g cake flour

  1. Whip (A) until light and fluffy. (Pale or double in volume)
  2. Whip (B) until soft peaks form. Add (C) and continue whipping until stiff.
  3. Mix meringue with (A) until well blended.
  4. Sieve in (D) and fold until well incorporated.
  5. Pour it into a greased and lined heart shaped tin.
  6. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 8-10 mins till cooked and springy.
150g cream cheese
80g caster sugar
80g strawberry jam
130g fresh strawberry (puree)
150g whipping cream (whipped)
11/2 tbsp gelatine (bloom in 50ml water)
1/2 tsp strawberry paste (optional)
few drops of pink colouring (optional)

  1. Whip cream cheese and sugar until light and creamy. Add in the jam and puree.
  2. Whip the whipping cream until stiff. Double boil the gelatine until dissolved.
  3. Add the slightly cool gelatine into the whipping cream and mix well until combined.
1/2 packet of strawberry jello
180ml water
1 tsp gelatine powder
some halved strawberry and white chocolate

  1. Boil water , add jello and gelatine stir gently until all dissolved.
  • Place the cake into the cake tin and arrange strawberry on the side.
  • Pour the cheese filling. Set the cheese filling and add the topping.
Here, I'm submitting my post to Aspiring Bakers "Love In The Air"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Easy Mango pudding

A refreshing dessert for this humid weather. I made this for my dad birthday, but only left two for myself. My hubby ate it while, i was doing the laundry. I didn't even get to try it, So i made another batch today. Luckily, i manage to took a photo of it before he start google it up again. While i was taking photo of this mango pudding a huge housefly was hovering around and next thing it was lost.

Stay tune with me, will try to post all recipes when i'm done with strawberry cheese cake for aspiring baker.

Blackberry Sweet Hearts

Happen to saw this sweet looking cake in my recipes and decided to bake it. This is the 3rd time I'm baking it, but i do not have a heart shaped mini cake mould. Until my V sis chocolate freaky, i finally get to bake it the original way with some blackberry jam swirl. The original recipes calls for a plain orange sponge cake. But i don't like the taste of the tangine smell. Hence, i decided to change it to lemon instead.

Will post the recipes soon.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Matcha Yogurt cupcake with red bean paste

Bake this matcha cupcake to satisfy my craving for green tea, after watching Anncoo Journal green tea tiramisu.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chocolate Banana Mousse Cake II

My Dad Big Day...  Look at my chinese wording it's so horrible. My V sis suggest that we use the happy birthday in chinese, coz my dad read chinese. I got a smooth surface at last, but no idea how to decorate the cake. Still like a walking zombie haaa!! The cake was glossy and shinny before i sent in the fridge, but came out matt.

Valentine's Chocolate

Pardon me for MIA for so long. After CNY cookies baking, really physically and emotionally drains me out. I always have the urge to bake, but when the time i finish my housework it's already very late in the night. Hopefully, these few days i can get my energy level rises rapidly to join the Aspiring Bakers. Haaaa... I intent to make this chocolate for Aspiring Bakers "Love in the Air", but my Dear V sis gave me half a day and only one piece of silicone mould of six heart shape to complete 34 pieces of chocolate cum design for her friend. OMG! So i was left with no time to think, but to do a simple chocolate for her. Hope that her friend do no mind :>

The heart shaped chocolate was done by me and V sis did all the deco herself. Mmh! I think should consider not bad, after all a girl who do not know how to bake and don't stay in the kitchen for too long.

This was done by me using her left over chocolate :( So poor thing never even left me a few pieces of empty heart shaped chocolate for Aspiring Bakers "Love in the Air".

A simple melted chocolate with chopped walnuts inside and design with tinted white chocolate or candy melt. I'm not too sure how much of the ingredient portion, as i did not do any weighing. Total 2 kg of chocolate and some white chocolate.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Almond Cookies

My friends and younger sister said it taste very delicious, just like my melting peanuts cookies.

Corn Flakes Cookies

This recipes was shared by my neighbour, who also loves baking. I'll definitely bake this again, its a hits with the kids. Thus, it was very easy and fast to do.

40g butter
1 tbsps sugar
1 tbsps honey
2 cups cornflakes
1/2 cup chocolate chips
some raisins (optional)

1. Melt butter over low heat.
2. Add in sugar and honey, stir till sugar is dissolved.
3. Add in corn flakes, chocolate chips and raisins and mix well.
4. Spoon into small paper cups and bake at 180C for 10 mins.

Sugi Cookies

Actually, i intend to bake this for Aspiring Bakers #3: My Favourite CNY Cookie (Jan 2011). But was too busy to post it in my blog and now it too late. This is my another favourite cookies for new year. I always have a soft spot for buttery taste cookies and my son loves it too. All recipes will be post, when i find time to key it in. 

120g ghee (QBB)
70g Icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
180g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg yolk A for glazing

  1. Cream ghee and icing sugar till combined. Add egg yolk, salt, vanilla essence and mix well.
  2. Fold in sifted flour.
  3. Form into balls, press on the top of the cookies using finger and dip a little egg yolk.
  4. Bake at 180C for 15 min or till golden brown. Remove and leave to cool before storing.
Note: I weigh each ball into 8g and if you do not like the flavour of ghee, you can substitute it with butter or lard. But
          personally, i still prefer to use ghee as the aroma is different. Ghee is made from fat of the goat's milk. You can easy
          purchase it from supermarket or baking store. Maybe next time i'll try to omit the baking powder, because causes the
          cookies to expand too much.

Adapted from Agnes Chang book

Feeling blue again

Lately, i have been so busy baking and doing spring cleaning that i neglect my blog. I don't even have the time to look at my dear computer. I started packing and baking on Jan, but my house was doing a make over, so i can't stop even on the eve of CNY. We decided to gave our house a new colour and some wall shelve. Every year i will help my grandma to prepare steam boat and spring cleaning, but this year i can only help to cut the food. Feeling so guilty to asked my loving sister to help me this year instead. Really very grateful that they always there for me when i needed help. If you gals happen to see my writing. I really want to thanks you all so much and i really felt so blessed to have both of you by my side. But my tiredness never ends. Eve of CNY have to help my MIL with the steam boat, new year my grandma and 2nd day prepare steamboat for sat. As my DH wanted to invite his friend over this year for a gathering. BUT.... Phew finally it over by today. I'm dead tired , just like a walking zombies. Looking fine, but brain dead, coz i promised my dear son that i'll stay with him after i finish all my chores, so i bought him to Marine Bay amusement park in the night. Sometime, i really feel like dropping dead for months and months like sleeping beauty. I do not have any social life and any time of my own. Feeling so lonely and sad, cum my bag are always so heavy why.... :<  Maybe i'm fated to work non-stop for my whole life.