Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feeling blue again

Lately, i have been so busy baking and doing spring cleaning that i neglect my blog. I don't even have the time to look at my dear computer. I started packing and baking on Jan, but my house was doing a make over, so i can't stop even on the eve of CNY. We decided to gave our house a new colour and some wall shelve. Every year i will help my grandma to prepare steam boat and spring cleaning, but this year i can only help to cut the food. Feeling so guilty to asked my loving sister to help me this year instead. Really very grateful that they always there for me when i needed help. If you gals happen to see my writing. I really want to thanks you all so much and i really felt so blessed to have both of you by my side. But my tiredness never ends. Eve of CNY have to help my MIL with the steam boat, new year my grandma and 2nd day prepare steamboat for sat. As my DH wanted to invite his friend over this year for a gathering. BUT.... Phew finally it over by today. I'm dead tired , just like a walking zombies. Looking fine, but brain dead, coz i promised my dear son that i'll stay with him after i finish all my chores, so i bought him to Marine Bay amusement park in the night. Sometime, i really feel like dropping dead for months and months like sleeping beauty. I do not have any social life and any time of my own. Feeling so lonely and sad, cum my bag are always so heavy why.... :<  Maybe i'm fated to work non-stop for my whole life.

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