Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dulce De Leche

Sorry for MIA for quite sometime and not replying any comments. My son was down with high fever again and this time was even worse. I have to rush him to hospital early in the morning on the eve of Vesak day. As scary enough my thermometer was down exactly on the day he was having a fever and he was murmuring early in the morning 4 am. Upon reaching hospital,l the doctor told me that he had reach 41C and was hush into the bathroom to shower. What was even worse was that i am having a bad toothache and my gums was all swollen badly on my right side. I have to bear with it until Wednesday. Only god knows how many pain killer, i took. :(

The dental told me that my gums was badly swollen and they could only have my wisdom tooth extract until the swollen gone down. But finally it was remove on Friday and today i just have another minor surgery on my lower part to remove another wisdom tooth. Ouch! It hurts alot and i always have phobia of going to the dentist. It really freak the hell out of me. Now still had another appointment on this Friday to remove the nerve on another tooth affected by the wisdom tooth. It seems like forever non ending with the dental.

I saw this Dulce De Leche from and it was on my make to do list until i tried my hand on it. Do hop on to for more info or good recipes share by her.

It was easy just 4 steps :
- Peel the label wash the can clean.
- Put in the crockery pot (slow cooker), pour hot water till the brim .(hot water must cover the whole can)
- Turn mode hot and leave it for 3 hours.(after 45mins-1 hr turn low or auto, remember to line the bottom with a steaming rack or the pot with be stain from the can)
- Remove and open it, when the can had completely cooled.( you won't want it to burst out on your face).

Notes: I forgot and left it on hot mode on 2 hrs and turn to low mode. Again forgot after 4 -5 hrs, i switch off and went to sleep. I make 3 cans at a time gave one to my friend mum to try.

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