Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mini Yoghurt Popper

Here i am submitting this post to:  Aspiring Bakers #7- Chocolate Delight (May 2011) hosted by DG from Tested and Tasted

Please excuses me for the poor photo taken, these popper was done on a last minutes decision and was bake on the day before my 2nd tooth extraction. The baking itch bugs me and was afraid that i might be too painful to bake after my tooth extraction. Moo!!! I hate dentist.


130g plain flour, sifted
30g corn flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
150g strawberry yoghurt, ( i use marigold low fat 1 small tub)
50g caster sugar
1 grade A egg
43g unsalted butter, melted and cool
1 zest of lemon
80g white chocolate
80g dark chocolate
some deco for sprinkle (individual preference)

  1. Mix lemon zest and sugar until combined. Set aside. (at least 20 minutes, to allow sugar to absorb the lemon fragrant)
  2. Preheat oven 180C and put the butter in the microwave until melted.
  3. Add egg into the sugar mixture and whisk till combined.
  4. Add yoghurt and mix well.
  5. Sieve in the flour, baking powder, salt and whisk well. Lastly add in melted butter mix until combined.
  6. Scoop or pipe mixture into the well greased mould at 80% full.
  7. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the donuts spring bake when touched. (depending on the mini mould used) Leave it on the tray for 3 second before remove and cool it completely.
  8. Poke toothpick in the middle of the donuts when cool.
  9. Melt chocolate, dip the popper face down and tap lightly to remove excessive chocolate and quickly sprinkle any deco of your choice on it and put it on the wire rack to harden.
For a clearer instruction. Please go to the link below, it has the step-by-step shown.
Adapted from: with some changes.